Monday, July 17, 2017

Week 29: pouring rain and a missing plaque

So this week flew by! We did a lot of contacting with almost no success. A very sad thing happened, my little house at the end of the street moved... just up and moved! I don´t know where they are and I have some serious heart ache. They were a good family and now I have to hope and pray the Lord will give some other missionaries the prompting to seek out and talk to this awesome family. 

We had a pretty poor week finding new people to teach, but we are asking a lot of our investigators right now to accept the challenge to be baptized. We´ve had some pretty positive responses. I´m super pumped because August is going to be a busy month.

We have some baptisms scheduled for the same date that I was baptized 11 years ago. It is so exciting to me. I´m not biased or anything but I want these people to have the same feeling for August 5th that I do. Who know´s, maybe it will be something to talk about with them after my mission too. 

Friday was a weird day. We went with Elder Cleverley and Canales to help buy marriage papers. They have a couple they are trying to help get married and needed our help to get it all done. My companion and I argued a little, I didn´t want to miss an entire day of work. We went. We helped a family that the other Elder´s are teaching get married on Saturday. I realized that it was important and part of the Lord´s plan. I kind of wanted to cry, the Lord really humbled me. It taught me that I can´t worry about efficiency, but need to worry about eternity. These people need our help to find the Savior. I will gladly give up whatever I can to help these people. 

Elder Espiritu and I helped the other companionship get marriage documents for their investigator´s
It ended up being a busy Saturday. We were out walking, on our way to our  interviews with President Ferman and it was pouring rain.  There were two kids with their hands full. They were on their way home juggling a 3 liter of Coke and some groceries. They were trying not to slip and fall in the mud. I looked at my companion and told him that we needed to help them. He gladly helped along with me. At first we tried just carrying all their stuff, but the kids still kept falling, so we each picked up a kid and carried them with all their stuff. The kid I was carrying (I never got a name) was kind of frantic, we almost fell. I think it was at this moment that he pulled off my plaque (missionary name badge). I didn´t notice it if it fell, but it was gone. In my interview with President he pointed it out.  I told him that we were helping some kids get home in the rain and he laughed.  It will be a bit before I can get a new one. I know I have to wait until the secretaries can send me a new one. I´m super bummed out. It´s in a street in la nueva capital somewhere, or maybe it could even be in a house of one of the families that we visited.  I´m sad and frustrated. 

President talked to us about being efficient in the matters of eternity, like our lessons. He said that they shouldn´t go over 30 minutes. 30 minutes is hard for Elder Espiritu. He likes to teach about a lot in our lessons. We´ve been talking about what President shared.  He said that the gospel is like a sweet drink or food. You can´t eat it all super fast or you´ll never want it. But that we should take small sips or bites and enjoy it. You´ll want more and more. Elder Espiritu and I put it to the test on Sunday. It was amazing in our lessons, we felt the spirit more and the people want us to come back.

That´s it for my week. I don´t have many photos because its been raining super hard and I don´t want to ruin my camera. 

Sorry this letter is super short. I know I´ll have plenty more memories to record in this next week like we had this week. I love you guys, I love my Savior and His gospel, and the work He let´s me do everyday here in Honduras. I hope all of you can seek out moments to do this work. All of us are missionaries and like Elder Roberts, you may not have a plaque right now, but there is always one on your heart. The Savior needs us to bring the gospel to every creature. We just need to want and share with other´s so that they can experience the love we feel everyday. I know He loves us, because He sacrificed everything. So why not talk to our friends and neighbor´s and bring His spirit into their lives?

Love you guys, and hope you have an awesome week!

Keep truckin´.  

It´s Mercy and me.  Everyone in the room was freaking out that she let me pick her up! She never let´s missionaries hold her.

Mercy is the daughter of Hermana Ana. Ana is Waleska´s sister.
Mercy´s naptime

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