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Monday, April 30, 2018

Week 70: El Picacho visit and baptism of Cristofer!

So this week I have some very good news, Cristofer got baptized! He was so happy. I asked him how he felt before and he just responded with one word "Tranquilo". It was a great service and I had the opportunity to baptize him, I was very honored. Along with the sweet this week there was bitter, unfortunately. 

Gabriela, she is one of our best investigators, well we have had a visit from her pastor who went on to destroy a lot of the progress we had made with her. She believes the book of Mormon is true, the only problem is the pastor has impacted the faith she has in what we are teaching ...if you understand me. It was sad when we showed up and she felt like she needed to return to the Adventists because of how she felt originally. It was very sad and she feels that being baptized isn´t something she is going to be doing in the near future until the Lord responds in a different way to what the pastor had taught. I am still very sad but we will be visiting from time to time to see if there is anything that changes. 

We went to Picachu this last Monday. It was fun we had a lot of time to reflect in the spot where President Nelson dedicated Honduras to missionary work. I had time to reflect on the work and felt the spirit near the statue and the respect that you could feel there. 

This week we have planned an activity to make pizza and tacos with our district. It should be fun and we should get full.

Love you guys hope you have a good week! 
Elder Vazquez and I with Cristofer. He is 16.  I was able to baptize him and Elder Vazquez confirmed.
Us with our newest convert and Hermana Pacheco
I surprisingly got my whites back. I thought I would never see them again.
Me in front of The Christ at El Picacho. It's a monument that stands on the hill El Picacho in the north area of Tegucigalpa.
We went last p-day. 17 missionaries. Elder Vazquez, Roberts, Sullivan, Jimenez, Katashima, Castillo, Franco, Morales, Mesa, Hernandez, Rocha, Ordoñez, Hermanas, Velesquez, Peterson, Las, Rojas, and Hernandez.
Elder Vazquez and I. I lost my other name badge in a bus from Juticalpa, so I'm never seeing it again.  On Thursday I got a new magnet badge. 
This is a replica of a "Mayan" stairs and temple of others in Copan. Copan is one of the biggest ruins we have in the world after Macchu Picchu.
The temple and stairs were built by Mexican architect. The whole design looks more Aztec than Mayan.
I might have a headache later.
We took this picture in one of the gazebos that is between the temple and the statue. Elder Franco and I.
In these next fotos I am told we are about in the place where President Nelson was when he dedicated Honduras to missionary work. Elder Katashima conveniently had our prophets picture in his backpack.
Tu Y Yo = You And I
Your Favorite Missionary!
I have a problem every time I walk by this. Christ behind bars?
They just don't want us to touch and there is nothing near to explain.
I bought the shirt and shorts close to my house. All I packed for shorts were basketball shorts for working out. The shirt was 35 limps and the shorts were 20. Elder Vazquez liked my shirt so he bought one like it.
Our little field trip went from about 11 to 3, roughly 4 hours with travel time. I'm sitting by Elder Rocha.  We fit 17 missionaries in the van. It was 1000 limps there and back. We were packed in, everything here in Honduras is made for people 5'10 and smaller.
I don't know, he does what he does.
Hermana Peterson was taking our foto.  7 missionaries stuck in a box!
These concrete boxes... I have no idea what they are for.
7 months and me voy!!! In the distance is a view of the Toncontín airport takeoff and landing strip.
(someone is baggy;) me voy=I'm going) 

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