Ship Packages with...

Monday, April 9, 2018

Week 67: Hermana Pacheko is fearless!

This week was a tough one. I say this so people don’t just think missionary work is sunshine and rainbows. We had a great struggle to find new investigators this week. Our normal manner of receiving “news” is through references. It was an awe to me that all the references that we received weren’t able to meet with us. We were heartbroken and now we have to formulate a plan to have a better week next week. 

This week we also had a leadership meeting and once again I was not called on to speak. I escaped once again.

I did receive my package from home this week and it has been a great help. I love the ties and belt --that I hope lasts to the end of my mission. I am approaching 18 months out (“a sisters mission”, that feels crazy to say). My companion enjoys all of the easter candy I got and on some occasions I catch him grabbing some of the Girl Scout tagalong cookies before we leave the house. He was very surprised by the taste and says they are better than Reese’s, and I have to agree. 

This week we are preparing a young man named Cristofer for his baptism on the fourteenth. He attended conference and has been to church numerous times and enjoys the way he feels there. I’m so happy that we were able to find him as he lives in a more dangerous part of town and can’t go out often for the danger. He is kind of shy and goes with an 80 year old sister named Hermana Pacheko (I really think she believes she is made of steel). She fearlessly plunges into areas that are filled with drunks and drug addicts that at times seek my wallet, but she goes without fear literally. She told us the other day that she knows the Lord will protect her because she is on the Lords errand. Her testimony touched me and in thanks for the efforts we have given she is buying us lunch. It is for members like these that the church is as it is. I hope I can be like Hermana Pacheko. I may not need to go to the ghettos, but follow her fearlessness when I go about the Lords work.  I know that I am watched over and protected, I have never had my money taken away or robbed, though they try. He is watching over me and my companion. 

So with another week down, I hope to work harder than I ever have here. I hope the Lord accepts our sacrifice. 

love all of you have a good week!  

This is Andrew. He is a little boy that lives in a house of a member called David.  David is 19 and wants to serve a mission, so he helps us frequently with references.
Andrew is special, he is just like a minion.  He actually speaks a language like theirs and he has language confusion. He loves Marcha the Little Red Riding Hood show with a bear and so he watches the new episodes on Youtube. The only problem is they come on randomly in different languages so he speaks a little bit of Spanish, English and Russian all mixed together.  He is really funny.
This is Antuan and Andrew, they are brothers.
I met up with Elder Huscroft in Lempira for changes.  He is still the zone leader in Juticalpa for now,  he says he likes it but wants a change soon.
It's Valdetano! He is currently in Siguatepeque. He likes where he is at and is going about the Lords work as he always  has done, in absolute diligence! ...and yeah, the guys a beast, he is known to have model areas and President calls on him often to speak in meetings.
This is Elder Purser. He is currently a zone leader in Torocagua where I was on lockdown during the political turmoil of the Honduran General Election. He goes home in August.
It's us! Elder Jimenez, Sullivan, Me, and Vazquez with the sister missionaries... Rojas, Laz, and Hernandez.  Hernandez is from Guatemala, Quetzaltenango and has been out for about 6 months. 
My package from home! Easter Candy! Ties! Belt! Girl Scout Cookies! 
I put the candy and cookies in the fridge when we got home and everything held up. It's all good now. The belt and ties are honestly my favorite part.
This pictures was taken while at the leadership meeting.  Elder Vazquez is a very effective worker, there are no lost efforts with this guy.

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