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Monday, September 18, 2017

Week 38: an afflicted companionship

So I don't have news about Navarro’s eye situation because his second opinion appointment isn’t until 5:30 today. Soo, I guess you’ll have to wait until next week jaja. 

But anyway, our week has been difficult. We've both been sick and afflicted. 
On Monday shortly after writing home I almost got hit by a car. Some loco hondureno was speeding. I managed to escape, but twisted my ankle pretty bad! (see foto) I might have to talk to the medical assistant to see if I broke it or what. I can now walk on it without pain, but bending it hurts. Elder Navarro thinks I'm lying, down playing the pain, everyone is saying that I probably broke it. The color has changed considerably and today it’s now just a little blue from the bruising. I'm really happy about that.  The good news is the hills of the Nueva Capital still have a gringo that can walk up these hills in the same time as a bus. 

Elder Navarro has been sick with fever, runny nose, and a cough.  We think it’s your basic flu or cold, but he was hit pretty hard. He hasn’t been strong enough to work for a lot of time this week, but luckily we found some medicine that has helped and received a blessing that he will be able to continue his work here in Honduras. (I hope that means for both of his health problems.) In latin America they cure with injections, they don’t really do syrups and pills. A lady (Sandra, she is a member that is a nurse) had to inject the shot we got at the pulperia in his butt cheek. You could say it was kind of uncomfortable to have watch. Navarro says it hurts a lot, I’ll take his word for it, and stick to the cough syrup and pills that I brought with me in my suitcase. 

We had a baptism this week of Christopher! He is ten and is a real light in his family. His mom has been inactive for more than three years. Since he has now taken the step to be baptized and loves the gospel he is sure an example for his Mom and Sisters. It was a super cool experience to have all the family at church for his confirmation on Sunday. 
Christopher’s confirmation blessing was really a spiritual moment for me.  I could feel the power of the Priesthood working through me. The spirit was so strong. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it, it was that powerful of an experience. 

I really received a testimony of the priesthood a year ago when I had to go through all that medical stuff, my moment in the “Valley of the Shadow of Death”. I can still remember that priesthood blessing from my dad to this day; a promise that no great harm would come my way. I now know that the priesthood that I hold is the same priesthood the Lord held and does hold to this day. 

I hope that you can ask for a blessing this week or whenever you need one. I pray that you can feel the power and authority of the Lord here on the Earth, the power that he has given to righteous men to act in his name. I know that the priesthood is here to comfort us and help us in our daily lives, to stay on the path to salvation. Don't be afraid to ask for blessings, the Lord wants to bless us, as Jeffery R. Holland has said, "It is in God's nature to bless and help us in our times of tribulation". So why don't we ask more often for blessings? I know sometimes I feel that I can just work out the problem myself, that it isn't too bad that I can figure it out. But, I know that if we pray and seek a blessing, that the Lord can and will help us, we just need to trust him. I put my trust in him just about exactly a year ago. It was one of the hardest but one of the greatest times of my life. I won’t forget the pain I had to endure, that was miraculously relieved through the faith of those around me. I wont lie, I doubted quite a bit, but I know the prayers of my mom, dad, sisters, family members, and friends helped heal me. The Priesthood and faith helped the blessing my Father in Heaven had prepared come to pass. I pray that you will humbly seek and come unto the Lord. He will bless you. I remember hearing in a past general conference, I think it was a seventy, he exhorted us to seek more priesthood blessings, and to trust more in the Lord. 

I love you guys hope you all have a good week! 

Keep Truckin'

Elder Navarro and I with Christopher's family- sister's Kathia and Elizabeth, and his Mother Sandra.

Pretty hardcore bruising. I can't bend it or put weight on the sides. It's getting better. I am still able to walk on it without pain.
Sandra, she is a nurse. She is getting ready to give Elder Navarro a shot in his butt. jaja

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