Ship Packages with...

Monday, September 25, 2017

Week 39: 9 months!!!

This week we had the baptisms of Ruben and Cristhian. We baptized them Saturday and the entire week we were encouraging them and making sure they were ready. 

I have no news on Elder Navarro's eyes. We went to the doctor last monday and the doctor referred him to do other tests that cost $150.We haven't been able to do those test yet.  The basic news is he needs the knife and whether he needs to go to Mexico to do it or not.

On Sunday we had a pretty crappy experience in Church. We had our leadership meeting and we had a member come in and she just started telling our group leader that he was doing a terrible job. It was kind of hilarious, because our group leader just said, "If I'm doing something wrong tell me, I've never had a calling in my life." She responded, "Well it’s not my place to tell you how to do your calling". 
Well anyway, she had a lot of problems with how the group was running, like where we have our meetings (in our house) and she wanted us to have a separate place for the meetings. We don't have the money for another house right now, we need to show to the area presidency that we have a group of faithful members who need a separate house/building to use for a church. But she thought we needed one now! The Stake Presidency had talked to the entire group when it got started so everyone knew that it would take some time, but she wants it now! She got really mad and started telling everyone what they were doing wrong. She gave no feedback or ideas on how to be better. Hermano Garcia started losing his patience and I stepped in to try and make peace that we need to work hard before we can get this other location, and then you know what she does?... she ATTACKS ME!!! "All you missionaries are the same you come in with a plan to change the area and never do it!" I got super frustrated and had to leave the room. I started praying for peace and help to calm down. My companion took over from there. The lady eventually found she couldn't get anywhere and stormed out! She had attacked and criticized the leadership and the missionaries. We called the leadership meeting quits and once everyone left the Spirit absolutely wasn't in the house. Elder Navarro and I felt that we needed to  rededicate the house and then we left to visit some of the members who were there to make sure that they would keep assisting. 

It feels like since we have been feeling blessed that now Satan is attacking this particular family super hard, and now other families might leave, I hope not. I’ve been reading in Alma lately where he teaches the apostate Zoramites and explains faith as a seed and then goes on to talk about the way to prepare the soil. Its a humble heart that bests receives the gospel and more blessed is the person who humbles themselves without being told to. I really believe this works in this case with this member and a lot of us. We are definitely more blessed for humbling ourselves before the Lord does. I hope we can all forget our pride and humble ourselves to the promptings of the Lord and do his work. Love you guys! 

Keep Truckin’
on a bus to a multi-zone conference. It took us 3 hours to get to Siguatepeque 

a bus full of Elders and Hermanas in for a 3 hour ride
The bus picked up our district at a gas station and then we picked up another district on the freeway.
You can just pull over, they got on, and then you leave.

Elder Ruiz and Canales
Elder Canales was tired. He slept the entire ride.

Look how foggy! and that's a military officer
Elder Ruiz is bugging Elder Agustin. The other elder is Elder Sanchez, our zone leader.
He must want his tie

Elder Owen and Candia talking to Navarro 

Elder Choy and Owen
They are in my zone. Choy used to be Giraldo's old comp and Elder Owen is in an area called Ciudad Espana.
This is Elder Franco. He was with me in the CCM. We arrived in Honduras together.
Elder Madsen, he has been out 6 months. He got his first package on Wednesday.

He must have been bored. I still don't know what he was doing. I just turned around and he was like this. ;)
Elder Navarro and I with Cristhian and Ruben
I got to baptize Ruben on Saturday.
Elder Navaroo baptized Cristhian
This is Ruben's mother, and Cristhian's grandmother Nora
I found this hat at lunch, put it on and took some fotos. It says Lempira
This is Ruben and Elder Roberts wearing a KISS hat.
Ruben doesn't like fotos too much.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Week 38: an afflicted companionship

So I don't have news about Navarro’s eye situation because his second opinion appointment isn’t until 5:30 today. Soo, I guess you’ll have to wait until next week jaja. 

But anyway, our week has been difficult. We've both been sick and afflicted. 
On Monday shortly after writing home I almost got hit by a car. Some loco hondureno was speeding. I managed to escape, but twisted my ankle pretty bad! (see foto) I might have to talk to the medical assistant to see if I broke it or what. I can now walk on it without pain, but bending it hurts. Elder Navarro thinks I'm lying, down playing the pain, everyone is saying that I probably broke it. The color has changed considerably and today it’s now just a little blue from the bruising. I'm really happy about that.  The good news is the hills of the Nueva Capital still have a gringo that can walk up these hills in the same time as a bus. 

Elder Navarro has been sick with fever, runny nose, and a cough.  We think it’s your basic flu or cold, but he was hit pretty hard. He hasn’t been strong enough to work for a lot of time this week, but luckily we found some medicine that has helped and received a blessing that he will be able to continue his work here in Honduras. (I hope that means for both of his health problems.) In latin America they cure with injections, they don’t really do syrups and pills. A lady (Sandra, she is a member that is a nurse) had to inject the shot we got at the pulperia in his butt cheek. You could say it was kind of uncomfortable to have watch. Navarro says it hurts a lot, I’ll take his word for it, and stick to the cough syrup and pills that I brought with me in my suitcase. 

We had a baptism this week of Christopher! He is ten and is a real light in his family. His mom has been inactive for more than three years. Since he has now taken the step to be baptized and loves the gospel he is sure an example for his Mom and Sisters. It was a super cool experience to have all the family at church for his confirmation on Sunday. 
Christopher’s confirmation blessing was really a spiritual moment for me.  I could feel the power of the Priesthood working through me. The spirit was so strong. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it, it was that powerful of an experience. 

I really received a testimony of the priesthood a year ago when I had to go through all that medical stuff, my moment in the “Valley of the Shadow of Death”. I can still remember that priesthood blessing from my dad to this day; a promise that no great harm would come my way. I now know that the priesthood that I hold is the same priesthood the Lord held and does hold to this day. 

I hope that you can ask for a blessing this week or whenever you need one. I pray that you can feel the power and authority of the Lord here on the Earth, the power that he has given to righteous men to act in his name. I know that the priesthood is here to comfort us and help us in our daily lives, to stay on the path to salvation. Don't be afraid to ask for blessings, the Lord wants to bless us, as Jeffery R. Holland has said, "It is in God's nature to bless and help us in our times of tribulation". So why don't we ask more often for blessings? I know sometimes I feel that I can just work out the problem myself, that it isn't too bad that I can figure it out. But, I know that if we pray and seek a blessing, that the Lord can and will help us, we just need to trust him. I put my trust in him just about exactly a year ago. It was one of the hardest but one of the greatest times of my life. I won’t forget the pain I had to endure, that was miraculously relieved through the faith of those around me. I wont lie, I doubted quite a bit, but I know the prayers of my mom, dad, sisters, family members, and friends helped heal me. The Priesthood and faith helped the blessing my Father in Heaven had prepared come to pass. I pray that you will humbly seek and come unto the Lord. He will bless you. I remember hearing in a past general conference, I think it was a seventy, he exhorted us to seek more priesthood blessings, and to trust more in the Lord. 

I love you guys hope you all have a good week! 

Keep Truckin'

Elder Navarro and I with Christopher's family- sister's Kathia and Elizabeth, and his Mother Sandra.

Pretty hardcore bruising. I can't bend it or put weight on the sides. It's getting better. I am still able to walk on it without pain.
Sandra, she is a nurse. She is getting ready to give Elder Navarro a shot in his butt. jaja

Monday, September 11, 2017

Week 37: eye doctor for Navarro

So this week was kind of a bummer. It started great though. Elder Navarro and I are working hard and we are seeing a lot of progress in our investigators. 
We have Ruben who is 23 years old, he is a funny guy who believes firmly that we are called and sent by God. He is reading the Book of Mormon, and has given up smoking. He has come to church twice and I hope he comes this next week. 
And then we have Christian who is 16 and the nephew of Ruben. This past Saturday he told us that he prayed and received an answer... that he knows the church is TRUE, he believes Joseph Smith is a prophet and that all the keys were restored to him. He, like Ruben, is also preparing to be baptized on the 23rd. 
We also have Kevin, Melvin, and Robert. They have been friends for about 6 years and are all investigating and progressing at the same time.
And lastly we have Christopher, who is 10. His mom is a member but stopped attending church two years ago so he hasn’t been baptized. He is going to be baptized this next week! He is super excited for this next Friday. 

Elder Navarro got some bad news this week. He has been having some problems with his vision. We went to see an eye doctor where we were told that he has some inflammation in his cornea. I think he had a surgery called transika before coming out, and now I think he's having some side effects.  The doctor talked to us and said he thinks that he may need to go home for another surgery for the inflammation. I’m not only bummed for Elder Navarro but have been super bummed because I feel like the work has started progressing in a way that I have never been a part of and then we get this news. He will need to go home quick and they could possibly close our area because I am without a companion. 

Elder Navarro with the Eye Doctor
He has another appt. with a doctor who is more associated with the surgery that he had before he came out. This doctor said it's possible that he will have to go home or he may go blind.

I have found myself loving the people of the Nueva Capital more and more each day. It is hard to even think about leaving it. I’ve been practicing focusing on the people more and their needs, than focusing on myself. You might could say I’ve been a little self-centered/selfish (if you don’t believe me just ask my sisters, Alyssa and Abby.) 

I’ve not only felt the success of this area but have had a lot of fun as well. I hope and pray that Elder Navarro will be okay. I have grown to love the guy and I want him to be able to serve a full mission or what ever he is capable of. I love this area so much that I won't care if I get paired with even the most disobedient guy in the mission. I’ll give it my all, we will work hard and do all we can to bring these people to Christ. 

I was reading in the Book of Mormon. I had a fun time reading the Ammon and Aaron chapter of missionary work. It was fun for me because I see a lot of the people that I see here daily in the Nueva Capital in these chapters. 

The group is still good, we had 47 people attend yesterday that were just from the Nueva. Attendance was a little bit lower than last week, but not as many people from El Divino came up to help. The group will be on its feet in time, I feel that it will work out great. Our leaders here, are super excited for the group and are working hard. They have been some of the best leaders that I have seen out here on my mission. 

I love my mission and my Savior. I can feel and know he's helping us out more and more each week. I love this work and it’s now getting easier for me to go about doing everything a missionary is supposed to do. I just hope and pray I don't fall into being a lazy. I've been working hard and I hope and pray I can keep it up. I love you guys and hope all is well.

Keep truckin’

The Sanchez family feeds us lunch on Sunday's. I'm sitting by Elder Morales. He is our new District Leader.
We had rice, beans, and chicken today.
The mom of the Sanchez's, her name is Yhadira.
It's a small world. Their son Nephi is in Costa Rica. He was in the CCM at the same time as me.
-being goofballs-
Their son Hyrum, he's 17, just jumped into my lap for the picture! lol

Monday, September 4, 2017

part of the letter from my mission president this week

When I got his weekly letter I cried because he just knows that I have been feeling like I'm not doing enough or making a difference.

part of president's letter this week:
... I feel that you are making your effort to advance the work of the Lord, you have enthusiasm and you may feel sadness for those who do not receive or reject you, but that is normal because I know that you feel love for the people, but your sorrows must be brief and then move on. I see great potential in you, but the enemy will try to turn it off, do not let impieties or distractions make you forget Christ your Master or forget your duty as a disciple, take care, raise, serve your partner, teach diligently ...

I got another letter after this letter saying to tell you guys (mom&dad) about the letter... and that he says to say hi, and that he loves you.

Mom's response: What a nice letter. I feel that you truly love the people.  I like what he says about making your sorrows brief and then moving on. It has got to be hard, because we want all to see and feel the light that the gospel brings but we can't force it on people.  We all get to make the choice for ourselves. That is why we are here on earth.

Dad's response: Tell president that we love him too.  It isn't easy to be a mission president I am sure. It's hard to be patient as a missionary and to trust the power of free will.  But remember, we are blessed for our efforts - not our results.                                                                                                                


Week 36: Nueva Capital's first meeting and visiting Picacho

So this week was weird. I had an interview with president last Saturday and he advised me to trust in the Lord more. So we tried it. We stopped working our tails off and starting focusing more on quality lessons with power. And I would say that it has worked. We have put on a lot of fechas for baptisms. We now have 7 people planned for baptisms. The dates are set, with continuing plans to invite more people to come unto Christ. 

I have been really looking forward to this next month and the coming weeks because we now have officially organized the group up in the Nueva Capital. Sunday was amazing.  It was super cool. I have pictures of the groups first meeting. I feel this is something super historical, and I hope and pray that it keeps growing. We had 9 investigators come to church and they all liked it. We have at least two baptisms each week planned after the ninth of September. Pray for them. I hope and pray that they will continue having good experiences investigating, and can know these things are true. 

Nueva Capital's first meeting. We had 58 people come. 58 people in Elder Navarro and Elder Roberts' little casa.  We had chairs brought up. The bishop and stake president came, and we now have a group leader.

Elder Navarro and I got into a couple of disagreements.  We have apologized and are working to solve our problems. For our efforts we are working better than ever. I truly believe and know that the repentance process makes us better and more susceptible to the Spirit. 

We have an investigator Ruben. He has given up smoking and his Saturday night party schedule to go to church. He is also learning English at a super fast pace. I truly believe he has given himself to the Lord. He is 24 and has the desire to go on a mission. I hope he can keep with it. He's an awesome dude, with some cool prayer experiences. He has prayed and received an answer and now he has gone to church and he likes it even though it’s in a tiny little house up in the Nueva Capital. 

Kevin, Robert (17), and Melbin (19) are three youth investigators. They are all super excited about the gospel. They have prayed and love the Spirit that they feel in church. Sunday’s meeting was a super cool experience for them, they loved it and plan on coming to more. I can’t wait for the next week to tell you more about their progress.

This week in my personal scripture study I was reading a lot in Mosiah and a little in the beginning of Alma-- as a missionary I love this part of the Book of Mormon. It talks a lot about the hardship of being a servant of the Lord and having patience and faith. I hope all of us, as servants of Christ, can have the patience and faith to suffer our afflictions and be better daily. 

I’m so happy to have your support and prayers, and I hope you all feel and know that you have mine. I pray that you see the Lords hand in your life.
I hope you have a good week!
Love you all and keep on truckin’

last P-day our district got to visit the famous El Cristo del Picacho. It is a statue of Christ up on the hill Picacho in the city of Tegucigalpa.

(Caption this)...

The view of the city is beautiful from this location

ruins of Picacho... Interesting fact: the El Cristo del Picacho statue was built in 1997
read all about it!
my companion and I in front of the ruin steps

my tv tray? No, it's a quetzalcoa (feathered serpent, macaw, and spider monkey statue)
I'm holding up eight fingers. I have 8 months

All the guys in my district.  A member brought us up here (brother Martinez). He took all our pics

teeter-totters at Picacho!
Navarro, Me, Cleverley, Mena, Medrano, Canales, Ruiz, and Candia

An old church up here by the Cristo that was used by the Catholics.
a sketch and watercolor of the beautiful place by my dad. Thanks Dad!

Jesus (in a jail cell? weird...)

checking out our pictures. We took a lot of them
It was a fun P-day

This is Christopher. He is 10 and excited to be getting baptized. His mother, Sandra is a member and he has other family members that are members.
When I look down on the city at night I feel home. 
I closed my eyes for these photos trying not to think of home. 

Wednesday I reported to the immigration office. I saw Zachreson there. I am now an official resident of Honduras. They took my picture and fingerprinted me. No longer on my visa.
Elder Medrano goes home this Thursday. Elder Cleverley gets transferred to Loargue. I'm now going to be the only gringo in my district.
Our District: I'm the guy in the glasses (Elder Mena's glasses)
The last picture of our District together.
back row: Elder Medrano, Ruiz, Mena, Me. front row: Elder Cleverley, Canales, Candia, Navarro.
email me your caption:
my inspiration... from Star Wars or Lion King?