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Monday, June 12, 2017

Week 24: transfers are coming

Stepping in for Paul...
The Abbey Road of Campamento?
It´s been another fun week. We had the opportunity to meet one of the Quorum of the Twelve this past Wednesday, Elder Dale G Renlund. It was fantastic, he talked about protecting our faith and how we need to be friends of the Lord not just His disciples. This hit me hard after the meeting and on the way home, I started thinking of all that he has done for me and what a great act of love it all is. We can all do little acts of kindness to help His brothers and sisters like he helped us. We can be his friends, something he wants so much more than disciples. We were also exhorted to find our purpose as missionaries and received a blessing for strengthening and protecting our faith. 
On our way to the city (Tegucigalpa) to listen to Elder Renlund.
It took us 6 hours, 3 to get to the city and pick up other Elder´s, and 3 spent in traffic.
Elder Mattison from Gilbert, Arizona is behind me. He is serving in Cata Camas right now.
It was actually later that day on Wednesday that I looked around in the middle of a lesson (yes, I zoned out) but the Spirit spoke to my heart and I found my reason, my purpose, and it was a moment so powerful that when I bore my testimony the Spirit touched the hearts of everyone in the room. My purpose is one of Joy! It is the reason I gladly give 2 years of my life for my Brother who gave everything for me. I feel joy in thinking of His life and also in His sacrifice, so I may return and live with Him again and thank Him for eternity. 

This is Isis and Brenda, they are sisters. We are teaching the family.
I think Brenda is 20-22ish...around here we don´t ask age.
Isis, an investigator with her niece Rosie
Elder Renlund also talked a lot about how we are part of the Atonement delivery system. The Lord is an expensive communication satellite and we are a rocket; without the satellite we have no purpose and without us the satellite can´t communicate with the world. I´m sure that if we weren´t available the Lord would find another way to bring His love to the people, but I´m thankful to be a part of this work and to have my part in this great work. 

I also had maybe my last district meeting in Campamento. It was sad but I was able to bear testimony at the end as our district leader decided to have a time for bearing testimonies which was great. Hermana Pagoada goes home this Tuesday and it is kind of weird saying goodbye. She´s been in my district the whole time I´ve been out in the field and now she´s dying (ending her mission) when I hit my 6 month mark. I´m not a newbie anymore and I feel it.  The work is faster and the time is flying by. I continually pray for the ability to serve when I get back because of how much this work means to me now. I want all of my spirit siblings to experience the joy of eternal happiness and the love of eternal heavenly parents. 

Campamento and Guaimaca Missionaries (My District)
I love all of you, it means so much to have your support and I think of all of you when the days seem dark or long, and then I get my butt back in gear. Your faith and love for me mean a lot, I hope all goes well for you guys in whatever righteous endeavor you are in.

You are all in my prayers and hope you have a great week!

Keep Truckin´
Hermana Pagada is ending her mission. (she's dying)
Sister Barrera and I have the same bag!
She bought one and I didn´t know and then noticed and wanted to take a pic.
If I get transferred I´ll miss this awesome missionary
You´d think these were iPhones. It´s like back home in Sunday School!(they are camera´s, just looking through their fotos)
Elder Zachreson and I. I´ll miss him. 
This is my district (Elder Vasquez is behind me) with my house in the background.
For you mom: "Welcome to Campamento!"

It is rainy season in Campamento.
We asked Christian how things were and he said that it has been raining hard enough to put some leaks in their roof right over his bed. He said that it has been hard to sleep with a leaky roof. Thursday night was bad.  He had to move his bed and everything. He says that Hector, one of their investigators is going to help them fix it.  Hector has been to the States and has worked in roofing. 

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