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Monday, February 13, 2017

Week 6 and 7: To See Our Weaknesses Become Strengths

After the rain in Campamento

So sorry I didn´t get to email last week! I really wanted my last week to be from fresh memory; but, I guess the Lord is testing my memory! The last week was definitely the hardest one because we had made a lot of friends in the staff and we had to tell them all goodbye. 

We had a final devotional with President Morris (the mission president of the CCM) and his wife; and it was really touching. Hermana Morris told us a story about a water bearer for his master´s house, who would go down to the river with two pots and fill them with water and carry them back on pole over his shoulders. One of the pots was absolutely perfect and new, while the other was cracked and old and would leak half of the water before returning to the master´s house. One day, the cracked pot said to the water bearer "I´m sorry I´m not like the other pot -new and able to carry all of the water I'm asked to carry" but the bearer turned to it and said "don´t fret! Look at the flowers on the road as we pass and tarry a while on the beauty of them." The pot agreed and was then lifted up and carried to the Master´s house. Upon arriving the pot was still discouraged so he responded again with a solemn apology. The bearer turned once more and said "Did you not see the flowers; did you not see their beauty? I know of your weakness; but, it is also a strength because when I saw those flowers dying and athirst, I would always place you on that side of the road so that the flowers may be fed and prosper." The pot was now ecstatic and thanked the Water Bearer for this uplifting message and carried out the rest of its time in happiness. 

I can only relate this to the message of the Savior with missionaries: We may feel inadequate, or even bad, but we have to know that our Savior and Father in Heaven know our strengths and weaknesses and will use them to help the people of our missions. This really spoke to me because I only have 6 weeks of Spanish, and it´s Guatemalan Spanish, but the Savior knows me and will help me to preach and help the people in my mission. 

I will miss Tyler Meek and all the members of my group but I know in two years we will all be so happy to have had the opportunity to serve.
seeing the Tegucigalpa Temple for the first time and meeting my companion
(Dad! You NEED to sketch this Temple!)

First week in Honduras 
The flight into Honduras was super cool! We all got a little motion sick, I have never been so close to the ground for that long in an airplane! We stopped in San Salvador for a bit on the flight. My new companion is Erick Giraldo he is from Colombia and has only had 3 months in the mission but he´s my trainer. Our first day in the mission was an orientation and then I spent the day with the assistants to the President. I got to sleep for a bit and then go out on splits with other Elders - I went with Elder Harrington from Iowa. We had a good time and I invited one of his investigators to be baptized -the man said no because some of his friends said it’s an abomination to be baptized twice! So, we left him a copy of the Book of Mormon and went on our way. I Almost got hit by a car on our way to the next appointment but it was still fun! 
Elder Giraldo and Elder Roberts
Glad to be a missionary, got some sweet blisters which are now callousing, I might add. In the first week, I swear we walked more than 3 trips to Disneyland (just to give you a reference for amount of walking). I had the opportunity to give two blessing of comfort for a family because they were having some pretty crazy experiences in their family; so, I got to do that in Spanish. 

The next day we went to my Area of Campamento in the Juticalpa zone. I didn’t have to pay for bedding because some of the missionaries leaving left theirs, so
I washed them, dried them, and then slept on them. So, I hope that’s not bad! My first day was a blur because we traveled for 2 hours on a bus and then got to the house where I did some washing in a washing machine and dryer! No pillow, sorry mom! I´ll try to get some pictures when I have one. 

We’ve had a lot of success with new investigators with 13 new investigators my first week. We have a guy who needs to get married to his inactive girlfriend, so we are helping as best we can. We have had a lot of success and have been working super hard! I am so glad it is P-day and that I get to relax and email! 

I met a bit of a legend here in Campamento, his name is Hermano Fortunato; and, he was the first convert here in the Comayaguela Mision (per legend)! His testimony is super strong and he’s super nice. He´s always pretty quick to laugh and help with my Spanish. The work is great people seem to just let us in and want to hear about our church; the only hard part is figuring out if they are actually interested or just polite! So there’s that. 
 with Comayagüela Mission legend, Hermano Fortunato
I know the Lord is helping me every day with some of these hills! It is a miracle I can keep getting up in the morning to walk. Still, I have been strengthened continually because I am sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with these people who are so nice! I have had a bit of Honduran food (digestive system is adjusting… the Elder’s say it will last about a month. Hooray….) I have also had a lot of experiences with dogs and animals already. Some just run up to bite you because you are in their territory; so, you kick them once and they run off! BUT when we come back they forget us and we do it all over again! Only now it’s after a long day of lessons and proselyting! We have also had a rain storm, I guess they don’t last long here but they rain super hard like Las Vegas summertime rains. I have worn my hat and had a lot of fun with my companion. We are the only ones in our house so we have some time to play cards and stuff after studying (of course.) We are pretty lucky here, there is a nice lady that we pay who cooks us lunch and dinner. It is pretty cheap by American standards, but I think a great support for her and her family. Her name is Dioni. If we don’t eat at home, most meals cost less than $3 American. I will try to send more pictures next week!

I love the work hope all is well back home! 

If you can read this, write me a letter! 
there is always another hill in Campamento

He said he almost got hit by a car. 
"the guy swerved and almost hit me because he was avoiding a dog."
Dad: "...a guy has to have his priorities."
Christian: "Sorry, they move for the gringo that they don't want ruining their car."


  1. El tiempo que compartí con E. Roberts fue maravilloso, una experiencia que jamás olvidaré, me esforcé mucho por cuidarle y enseñarle el mejor español que pude era grande y muy fuerte jaja creo que un par de veces me intimidó, me reí y también en otras ocasiones me frustré quería decirle cualquier cosa y que me pudiera entender sin embargo el espíritu nos ayudó mucho y llegué a amarle y sé que el señor lo bendijo tanto como antes de venir a la misión, es mi "Hijo" ( a él le molestaba que dijera eso jaja ) y me sentí orgulloso de lo que hizo en su misión y el buen ejemplo que pudo dar, un saludo y abrazo My bro, fromm Cali, Colombia ☀️����������������

  2. El tiempo que compartí con E. Roberts fue maravilloso, una experiencia que jamás olvidaré, me esforcé mucho por cuidarle y enseñarle el mejor español que pude era grande y muy fuerte jaja creo que un par de veces me intimidó, me reí y también en otras ocasiones me frustré quería decirle cualquier cosa y que me pudiera entender sin embargo el espíritu nos ayudó mucho y llegué a amarle y sé que el señor lo bendijo tanto como antes de venir a la misión, es mi "Hijo" ( a él le molestaba que dijera eso jaja ) y me sentí orgulloso de lo que hizo en su misión y el buen ejemplo que pudo dar, un saludo y abrazo My bro, fromm Cali, Colombia ☀️🌄🇨🇴🇺🇸🤠🏈🤠
